Today's Top Travel Deal Guides: January

Today’s Top Travel Deal Guides: January , 2024

By lowpriectoday

It’s a balmy 12 degrees in Southern Wisconsin today, and I can’t help but dream about going somewhere warm as I sit here in FatWallet headquarters with my space heater and a blanket on my lap. We’re planning on taking the kids to Disney this spring, but today, I’m second-guessing our thoughts and wondering if […]

A New You for the New Year: Weight Loss Solutions for a Resolution

A New You for the New Year: Weight Loss Solutions for a Resolution

By lowpriectoday

The time for New Year’s resolutions is on the horizon, and once again, weight loss is heading up the most sought-after goals for the year. If you’re determined to shed unwanted pounds and reveal a healthier, happier you in 2013, here are some ways to ensure your success. Make this year count; here’s how: Get […]


Regifting – Offensive, Acceptable? Now is the Time to Figure it Out!

By lowpriectoday

Not all gifts are created equal. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and sometimes, the person buying the present doesn’t know you. So what do you do with all the gifts you never use? Don’t give the gift giver a WTF look. Smile at them, say thank you, and think about someone […]

How to Make and Keep a New Year’s Resolution in 2024: Choose Happiness

How to Make and Keep a New Year’s Resolution in 2024: Choose Happiness

By lowpriectoday

What if we resolved to live happily ever after this year? Of course, it’s not as simple as a storybook ending, but living happily is much simpler than we realize. Instead of chasing the elusive diet or quitting a bad habit, this article is about building a lasting sense of well-being by using your strengths […]

It's About Time New Year's Bash on a Budget

It’s About Time: New Year’s Bash on a Budget

By lowpriectoday

The countdown has begun, and some of the most extensive New Year preparations are underway. Would you like to throw your end-of-year blowout but are reluctant to spend much money on the festivity? The food, drinks, decorations, and entertainment for a party can be quite the bill, so we’ve developed a list of 6 tips […]

How to Stop Being Such a Spendthrift

How to Stop Being Such a Spendthrift

By lowpriectoday

The internet is a whole of propaganda used by companies who claim to have the most high-tech electronics, luxurious sports cars, and the most fashionable clothing on the market. Marketing geniuses learn how to entice people into buying their products by strategically placing specific pictures and words on their storefronts and sales ads. Even digital […]

5 Personal Finance Resolutions for the New Year

5 Personal Finance Resolutions for the New Year

By lowpriectoday

Before every new year, I like to take stock of how I did financially the year before and where I hope to go the following year. I used to have big, lofty goals because many experts say to dream big, but year after year, I found many factors that were out of my hands that […]