Shannen’s 2024 Coupon Resolutions
By lowpriectodayEating healthier, losing weight, cutting out on caffeine, and exercising daily are just a few things that may be on your resolution list this year. It seems that they are always on my list every January 1st. This year, I’ve also added some “coupon resolutions” to my list. I hope these are more accessible resolutions to keep! These are just a few of my “coupon resolutions” for 2024:
- Make time to organize
Set aside weekly time to clip, sort, and file coupons. Maybe it’s in the evening after supper, when your kids go to bed, or perhaps during naptime. Devote maybe an hour or two a week to getting organized. If you have a mess like I do right now, it may take a little more time to get started.
- Make time to organize
- Take stock of your stockpile.
The beginning of the year is a great time to review the items in your stockpile. Make sure things are organized by date, and if something expires soon, move it to a place you know will get used soon.
- Take stock of your stockpile.
- Stock up and donate.
This year, I will also try to focus on stocking up on items I can get cheap or free and then donate them to organizations. A young man at my church has started a mission project to send items to some military men and women who have direct connections to our church and are currently serving overseas.
- Stock up and donate.
- Coupon swap
If you have friends or family members who shop for coupons, see if they will swap coupons with you for the extra ones you want. My friend Sam and I do this frequently, especially with razor and laundry soap coupons.
So, whatever your resolution is this year, think about ways to make coupon shopping more effective for you and your family.