Why Making A List before Going Shopping Is Important
By lowpriectodayPeople responded with a renewed sense of frugality when the global recession raised its ugly head. One of the results of this careful household spending discipline was a rebirth of that old staple, the grocery list. Internet-savvy providers not only noticed the trend but were quick to capitalize on it.
In recognition of this trend, many of the world’s largest supermarkets have responded by creating online shopping sites. Depending on the provider, these sites can do amazing things. The consumer can develop a grocery list over days on the best of these sites. The index tracks unique bargains and offers about specific goods while attaching the coupons to the shopper’s list.
This truly represents the best of several worlds. The consumer uses an organized platform to purchase the correct food, while the online platform identifies coupons and other offers that represent significant savings.
Not all consumers or supermarkets use this service. Many shoppers were brought up shopping with lists and have no intention of changing their method. Yes, it is tough to teach an old dog new tricks.
In its own right, the traditional shopping list provides many benefits. In one sense, the grocery list offers a disciplined approach to the shopping spree.
In these strained financial times, people pay attention to where their money is spent with great diligence. As more and more women enter the workforce, the need for a shopping list has increased in importance.
There are several reasons why making a grocery list is sensible.
Time Saver – The shopping list presents an organized approach, enabling the shopper to get in and out of the store without wasting time looking for goods you do not need.
Money Saver – If you apply the same discipline to your shopping experience to building the list, you have time to check for coupons and take advantage of certain special offers, such as 2-for-1 pricing. You must also have enough confidence in the list to know that you do not need anything else. Your shopping list and diligent coupon collecting can reduce your food expenses by between 20 and 25 percent. Online shopping lists can save even more.
Health Benefits – A shopping list allows one type of food and its health ramifications to be consumed in a household. This list is your defense against making poor, last-minute food choices.
Make Shopping Fun – With a list, there is no reason to be stressed figuring out what you may or may not have in ample supply at home. You follow the list and relax, knowing your approach is organized and on the mark.
Inspires Input – Make the list open to suggestions from all parties in the home. Children can add goods they enjoy, which are subject to adult approval.
Reduce Waste – If using an organized list rather than a last-minute, spur-of-the-moment list, chances are that the foods you purchase will be eaten, and very little will be wasted. In a sense, making a good list is like planning family meals for a week.
Share the Burden – Time is a precious commodity. Others can pick up the goods by developing and refining your list. In today’s world, some markets even deliver goods ordered by fax, e-mail, or phone.
The good news is that 75 percent of shoppers have returned to the timeless practice of a shopping list. Keep your list structured, engage everyone in the house to participate, and your food will not be wasted. You will save a great deal of time and a good deal of money by being thorough.